sarahfromthemountains | having fun
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Once upon a time…

a small girl from the mountains is exploring the world, her passion is set for fashion. She was always crazy about beauty, style and art. It clearly influences her life’s path. Her personality evokes a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, inspiring the confidence and trust of those she works with.

Welcome to her world.

that’s me

–  Hello, it’s Sarah Jäger

–  I´m an Artist

–  From a small town of Austria

–  My medium: Hair & Make-up

–  Based where opportunities are waiting for me

–  Love the magic of my profession

–  No rules or boundaries – just endless possibilities

–  Always up for new challenges

–  Colors and textures of nature are my creative inspiration

Facts at work

–  always sharp

–  dope style

–  fashion nerd with an eye for details

–  sophisticated

–  bohemian-like


Over the years one question clearly remained. Why did I become a make-up artist? The answer is simple as pie. I followed my heart.

Embrace every job with a fresh perspective.


–  Fashion as Advertising in TV & Film Productions

–  Beauty as Advertising in TV & Film Productions

–  Music Videos

–  Commercial & Personality Shootings

–  Editorial and Fashion Photographics

–  Catwalk & Fashionshows

–  Weddings

–  Makeovers

–  Parties

–  Special Events


Fashion Editorial

A fine Selection of Art and Love.

The Symphony is created with lipstick and eyeliner.

Black & White

Powerful in every way.

It is a place you go and never come back.


A Journey to your inner self.

Just a simple color can mean the difference.


There is a special kind of beauty in all of us!


Straight forward.



+49 176 72308630

